Victor Vran is not necessarily a castlevania – esque title, it actually has more association with the diablo franchise with its overhead visuals and rather simple story of defeating demons in order to save the world (because of course it is), the more you progress through the game the more difficult it becomes, with its hack and slash rpg gameplay. You are able to use a variety of weapon types that can aid you in your quest, this mix and match in terms of weapon combinations aids a rather simplistic combat system. For grinders this game has a lot of exploration, with the different dungeons and co – op exploration it gives you a lot for the rather cheap price. With most rpg’s and varied difficulties there is a lot more you can do and if you are a diablo fan I believe victor vran is for you, it’s a really unique pc port that plays flawlessly. As always if you’re a fan of this show i give a review score between 1 and a 5 with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best I give victor vran overkill edition a positive 4 out of 5 If you want a game to pick up and play or something to grind through on your travels be sure to pick up this game
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